Company Name ARTEMAX
Address 16000 W Rogers Dr. Ste 100 | New Berlin, WI 53151
Company E-mail Id info@artemax.com
Company Phone 262.754.5885
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80% Completed

ARTEMAX is a global construction materials supplier, is located in United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and South Africa. Our company specializes in the manufacture and distribution of construction materials, including aggregate, concrete, asphalt, masonry, steel, and other related products. ARTEMAX is committed to providing quality products and services to their customers, with a focus on innovation and sustainability. Our company strives to make the construction process smoother and more efficient for their clients, while also reducing the environmental impact of their operations.

ARTEMAX is an innovative, technology-based engineering firm that provides engineering solutions and products for a wide range of industries. Founded in 2002, the company is located in the Netherlands, and has built a strong reputation as a reliable and competent provider of engineering services.

The company specializes in the development and manufacturing of advanced engineering solutions, such as electronics and mechanical systems, systems integration, embedded systems, and high performance hardware for advanced industrial applications. With its success over the years, ARTEMAX has created a strong and comprehensive solution for a wide range of industries, including medical, automotive, aerospace, and military.


The team at ARTEMAX is composed of experienced engineers and technicians, each of them with vast knowledge in their respective fields. With their strong background in engineering, the team is able to provide clients with complete and accurate solutions that meet their needs and fit their budget. In addition, the company employs experts in project management and system integration to ensure that each project is completed on time and to specification.

ARTEMAX's engineering solutions include custom product design, development, and manufacturing of electromechanical components. The company has extensive experience of electronics and software engineering, optimising products for high performance operation. ARTEMAX also offers advanced engineering services such as prototyping, which provides customers with an end product that is ready to be integrated into a larger system.

Finally, ARTEMAX is dedicated to customer service and offers quality assurance throughout the product development process. The staff is available to answer any questions or provide assistance when needed. Through the combination of expertise and cutting edge technology, the company continues to provide exceptional engineering solutions and products to its customers.

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Starting Year 1995
Shopping Type Contact directly (Phone or mail)
Website https://artemax.com
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Press release/ Info:

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