Vinyl Security Wristbands

  • Vinyl Security Wristbands have become a popular attraction when it comes to charitable events, sports events or any recreational activities.
  • Vinyl Security Wristbands can be similar to a wrist watch or a bracelet like band that is worn around the cuff or other parts of the sleeve that covers your wrist.
  • Vinyl Security Wristbands can be worn for decorative purpose or for any events.
  • Vinyl security wristbands are the new entrants in the market.
  • Vinyl Security Wristbands are made from triple layered material that makes them soft and comfortable wristband.
  • The wristband is a secure and durable option for places like Hospitals, Bars, Carnivals, etc.
  • Each band has a plastic snap closure that prevents patrons from sharing vinyl wristbands among each other.
  • There is no reapplying these wristbands making them that much more secure.
  • Vinyl Security Wristbands can last more than 2 weeks.

Cuff bracelets
Double row magnetic bio health care bracelet
Silver plated kada bracelet
Tendulkar wristbands