Tie up bracelet have become a popular attraction when it comes to sports events or any recreational activities. tie up bracelet can be similar to a wrist watch or a bracelet like band that is worn around the cuff or other parts of the sleeve that covers your wrist. Today majority of the recreational activities use wristbands. tie up braceletare used mainly for identification and authorization purposes to demonstrate the wearer's authorization into a venue / party or any sort of activity.


  • Build brand awareness and loyalty
  • Create sponsorship opportunities
  • Prevent counterfeit
  • secure
  • Control access


  • Strong, locking plastic snap for one-time use.
  • Made of high-security, tri-laminate plastic.
  • Beautiful, full-color, photo quality printing on white bands
  • Latex free, soft material
  • Custom printed with your logo and design in bracelets.
  • Serial numbering available

Debossed Wristbands
RFID Key bracelet
Designer bracelets
Tie up bracelet
Extra Wide Wristbands
Woven Wristbands