• Plain Rubber Wristbands sometimes are known by the name baller bands or baller ID bands. They're also called rubber wristbands and rubber bangles by some.

  • These bracelets have a similar function as silicone bands and are used for a variety of reasons. The original rubber bracelets were first manufactured in the 1980s. These have been very popular since then, and this is because these are low costing and easy to customize.

  • Rubber is one of the most unique materials for wristbands due to its abundant availability and ease of use. This material is easy to customize, is very pliable, and can be easily coloured in many different shades.

  • The main characteristics of the rubber used in bracelets are similar to that which you can find in silicone wristbands. Rubber bracelets are waterproof, they have low toxicity, and they don't support the growth of microbes.

  • Rubber is also tough and resistant to shock, wear, friction and pressure. Synthetic rubber bracelets undergo a mixing and moulding process that begins with the combination of the materials into a dough-like substance.

  • Plain Rubber Wristbands have become a popular attraction when it comes to charitable events, sports events or any recreational activities.

  • Plain Rubber Wristbands can be similar to a wrist watch or a bracelet like band that is worn around the cuff or other parts of the sleeve that covers your wrist. Plain Rubber Wristbands can be worn for decorative purpose or for any events.

Party Wristbands
LED RFID Fabric Wristbands
Ready Made Paper Wristbands
full Color Paper Wristbands
Message Wristbands
Holographic Wristbands