Ovarian Cancer Wristband

Ovarian cancer is a cancerous escalation cancer arising from the ovary. Indications are normally very subtle early on and may include: bloating, pelvic pain, difficulty eating and frequent urination, and are easily confused with other illnesses.

Sign and Symptoms

* The symptoms of Ovarian Cancer includes:
• Bloating
• Pelvic or Abdominal pain
• Urinary symptoms
• Difficulty in consuming food
* If the pre defined symptoms appear more for more than 12 times in a month, it has to be diagnose
Other identifications are:
• Enlargement of the Abdomen
• Back pain
• Constipation
• Bleeding of vagina
• Increased rate of Weight loss
• Added fluid in Abdominal cavity
* Occurrence of Ovarian cancer depends on age, history of ovarian cancer in family, Abdominal distension, Rectal bleeding, post-menopausal bleeding and loss of appetite.

Ovarian Cancer Facts

• The ovarian growth for women is a fluid filled cyst which are not in a harmful condition.
• Ovarian cancer are categorized into many types
• Causes of the ovarian cancer are many but unable to point out exactly
• Risk of increased chances of developing the cancer includes the history of cancer in the family, beyond the age of 55 and never been pregnant.
The main symptoms include:
1. Abdominal swelling
2. Pressure or pain in abdomen
3. Frequency and urged urination
4. Leg and Back pain
5. Unusual vaginal bleeding
Detection and Diagnose of ovarian cancer includes:
6. Examining physically
7. Ultrasound detection
8. X-ray reports
9. CA 125 blood test
10. Biopsy

The treatment, current state and the survival rate of a ovarian cancer affected woman depends on Age, Stage of the disease spread and the Health condition

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