- Medical Alert Wristbands are designed to recognize the patient's medical condition in case of emergencies and in the unavailability of patient's attendant. The medical alert bandprovides quick information ofthe medical condition of a patient.
- Medical Alert wristbands are designed to disclose certain information about a patients' health and medical conditions.These bands bear specific medical information about the patient which might be needed in case of emergencies.
- These bracelets have 2 different varieties. Pre-inscribed medical wristbands are bracelets which are embedded with a particular condition, such as diabetes or specific allergies on it. These bracelets quickly inform the medical conditions or the medication of the patient which helps in the case of emergencies.
- Hospital Wristbands have a small area where the patient's immediate or important information is filled in the bracelets. These bracelets are mostly made of DuPont Tyvek papers or plastic that makes them durable, waterproof, break and tear resistant along with strong locking system.
- A person can purchase the medical alert wristband inscribed with the appropriate conditions. There is no customization in the braceleti.e. your name, medication you are undergoing, whom to contact etc.
- Some medical alert wristbands have a medical symbol engraved on them, which alerts emergency personnel that the patient has a specific medical condition which they need to be aware of. Some of these bracelets are already marked with a particular condition, such as diabetes or specific allergies.
- Compared with necklace, the bracelet's information pad is strong, durable, waterproof and tamperproof.Some of these bracelets direct emergency personnel to a wallet card for more detailed information.
- Hospital wristbands can be
- Handwritten
- Embossed
- Laser-Printed
- Thermal-imaged with names
- Pictures
- Medical Record Numbers
- Barcodes
- Other Personal Identifiers.
- Thermal imaging helps in personalizing hospital wristbands through barcodes to improve patient safety with the help of electronic patient and medication tracking.
Wristband Connection proudly sells Medical Alert Wristband.
- The comfortable silicone wristband tag can be added to a range of activity trackers and watches.
- This wristband tag is available with a small or large medical ID.
- Measure your activity tracker or watch and select according to available sizes:
Small: 13mm (h) & 30mm (w)
Large: 20mm (h) & 30mm (w) - 24/7 emergency service access to your health information.
- Secure online access to your electronic health record 24/7.
- Health information is clinically validated, reviewed and date stamped each time you update your electronic heath record.
Protects in an emergency
- Offers a wide selection of comfortable, trusted and recognized brand name medical ID's for various lifestyles, ages, and needs.
- When first responders, doctors or pharmacists call this service, they're provided with vital information about a patient's health conditions, ensuring they can receive the fastest and most effective treatment.
- Electronic health record can be updated at any time.
- Medical ID engraving is free and customized to your individual needs.
- Your personal/medical information will be laser engraved to the front of the medical ID.