Tyvek black print wristbands are paper based disposable wristbands which are predominately used for one or two time usage. Tyvek wristbands are made with 100% DuPont Tyvek, a high-density paper material that is lightweight yet durable, comfortable, water and tear-resistant and secure and cost-effective. These bands are locked with tamper- proof and strong adhesivethat prevents transfer of the wristband or stealing of wristbands. The bands' glue is designed with one time usability which makes it non transferrable and unbreakable. These bands are predominately used in hospitals for patients' medical check-up or at medical camps for special check-ups or at any one time events as an entry ticket.If transferred, the paper will tear itself apart that prevents re-use of wristbands. These bands are one time usable bands which are prominently used in hospitals and events for identification purposes.
- Build brand awareness and loyalty
- Create sponsorship opportunities
- Prevent counterfeit
- secure
- Control access
- Strong, locking plastic snap for one-time use.
- Made of high-security, tri-laminate plastic.
- Beautiful, full-color, photo quality printing on white bands
- Latex free, soft material
- Custom printed with your logo and design in bracelets.
- Serial numbering available