RFID elastic LF/HF/UHF chip wristbands have become a popular attraction when it comes to charitable events, sports events or any recreational activities. RFID elastic LF/HF/UHF chip wristbands can be similar to a wrist watch or a bracelet like band that is worn around the cuff or other parts of the sleeve that covers your wrist. RFID elastic LF/HF/UHF chip wristbands can be worn for decorative purpose or for any events. Today majority of the recreational activities use wristbands. RFID elastic LF/HF/UHF chip wristbands are used mainly for identification and authorization purposes to demonstrate the wearer's authorization into a venue / party or any sort of activity.


  • Build brand awareness and loyalty
  • Create sponsorship opportunities
  • Prevent counterfeit
  • secure
  • Control access


  • Strong, locking plastic snap for one-time use.
  • Made of high-security, tri-laminate plastic.
  • Beautiful, full-color, photo quality printing on white bands
  • Latex free, soft material
  • Custom printed with your logo and design in bracelets.
  • Serial numbering available

Boldfit sleeve wristbands
Ovarian Cancer Wristbands
Handmade braided leather bracelet
Embossed With Color Filled Wristbands
Birthday Wristbands
Patterned Tyvek Wristbands