Barcoded Vinyl Wristbands
- Barcoded Vinyl Wristbands are our most durable type of security wristband.
- Each band has a plastic snap closure and the band will have to be destroyed to be removed,the only way to remove the wristband is to cut or physically break the snap.
- The wristbands are designed to fit almost any size wrist; they will fit from a baby's wrist to an obese adult's wrist.
- The vinyl bands are way more durable and will last up to 2 weeks.
- The main advantage of vinyl bands is they give your event a unique look and prevent fraudulent access to your event.
- You can also use them to raise publicity for your event since customers will be wearing them around for up to 2 weeks.
- Vinyl wristbands are waterproof. The ink of the band will not wear off by swimming, showering or any other water related activities.
- The vinyl bands are a great for withstanding in wear-and-tear, comfortable on your skin and better option for long-term use.
- Our vinyl wristbands are made up from tri-laminate material, specifically designed to hold up for any event or circumstances.
- Vinyl wristbands are secure andreusable. Single-use snap closure is best for preventing the wristband from being transferred from person to person.
- Moreover, you can reuse the wristbands with a re-usable snap closure strap.
- Build brand awareness and loyalty
- Create sponsorship opportunities
- Prevent counterfeit
- secure
- Control access